The Future of Parameter Changes on Archway

As a result of Reduce the Minimum Price of Gas (MPOG) for the Archway Network from 900 Gway to 140 Gway - #47 by flynnjameson

After the mPoG proposal copied above went live, dapps experienced difficulties adjusting to the changes, which led to a series of other issues. Core contributors to the Archway Protocol got together and debriefed on how to improve Parameter changes in the future.

We believe the best foot forward when making any parameter changes is to first upgrade Constantine, an Archway Testnet, to give dapps time to prepare for their mainnet. After a week on Constantine, then the parameter changes can go live on mainnet.

Additionally, we suggest an additional good practice step to be added to Archway’s governance process framework. Whenever proposals involve technical changes to the core protocol, they should be made from Monday through Thursday. This last upgrade went through on a Friday evening, which resulted in many dapp teams taking longer-than-usual to notice the issues as well as delayed responses from the core contributing protocol team. This way, we can avoid delayed answers in the future.
Find the full framework here: [Signalling Proposal] Archway Governance Process & Framework

Finally, we would like to gauge sentiment around having a Parameter Change Council, which would include various members of the community, that would properly evaluate the economic and technical implications of parameter changes, and periodically reevaluate all network parameters. Additionally, if parameter changes are requested by the community, the council would made educated suggestions to ensure optimal results.

Please leave your thoughts on these topics – a temperature check will be taken on Wednesday’s governance call.