[Signalling Proposal] Archway Governance Process & Framework


Signaling Proposal


Archway Governance Process & Framework


The Archway Foundation puts forward an operating framework for on-chain governance proposals with the objectives of:

  1. Providing clarity around the community’s role on the Archway Protocol

  2. Agreeing on an appropriate process

  3. Gathering feedback from the community as a whole


The Community will be able to vote on community treasury use, network upgrades, parameter changes, intent signalling, and a few others. The following steps should be expected and strongly enforced by the community when setting up a proposal. Proposals that don’t follow these standards, with the exception of emergency proposals, should be considered incomplete and thus should not be passed.

Steps to putting up a proposal:

  • posting your proposal onto Discourse according to the templates available in the Archway docs.
    • [Clear Contract] [IBC Upgrade] [Execute Contract] [Cancel Software Upgrade] [Instantiate Contract] [Pin Codes] [Sudo Contract] [Unpin Codes] [Update Client] [Update Instantiate Config] [Wasm Store] = Must be on Discourse for a minimum of 3 days.
    • [Community Spend] [Signalling] [Param Change] [Software Upgrade] = Must be on Discourse for a minimum of 7 days.
  • joining at least 1 community call to discuss the proposal with the community. If you are not able to join the regular community call, then you should contact the governance moderator to schedule a call to discuss the proposal.
  • Make the appropriate changes to your proposal, if any, as agreed upon by the community. Please make sure your proposal follows the appropriate format provided in the Archway docs.
  • You are finally ready to submit the proposal on-chain via Archway Connect (or the CLI).

Emergency Upgrades:

In some emergency circumstances, such as the discovery of a critical protocol-level bug, this standard governance process may be too slow to resolve urgent issues. In these cases, a quicker response may be necessary to prevent damage to the system, the loss of assets, or to maintain the confidence of users and stakeholders. Therefore, emergency upgrades may require direct communication and coordination with network validators to ship a code fix alongside a chain halt, rather than pass this through a protracted proposal process.

In these extreme cases, ensuring the integrity and survival of the network takes precedence over regular governance procedures. It’s therefore crucial that any such actions are transparently communicated during/after the fact, and that they are the exception rather than the rule.

Proposal templates can be refined through community governance via a signalling proposal.

Voting Options:

By voting yes, you agree with the proposal and would like to see it passed.

By voting no, you disagree with the proposal and would not like to see it passed in its current state.

By voting abstain, you are recognizing this proposal is irrelevant to you and would not want your vote to be counted in either direction.
By voting no with veto, you fundamentally disagree with the proposal and would not like to see it reworked nor revisited.


Michael Cullinan, one of the Directors of the Archway Foundation. Michael has been a core contributor to the Archway Protocol for the last 2 years.


What makes a member of the community eligible to vote on proposals?

ARCH stakers that are staking with any validator in the active set

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Can we consider a suggested template for governance proposals to ensure some uniformity around presentation of information? Here is our suggestion at Regen Network: Commonwealth – Regen

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What is the meaning of passing threshold being 33.4%? That any proposal for which more than 33.4% of votes are YES passes?
If I understand that correctly, why choosing that number? (instead of 50%?)

@DaveLOA appreciate you flagging this. Some excellent points from the Regen framework and discussion, and we’ve incorporated many into the proposal: Interchain Explorer by Cosmostation

51% seems like a safe option.