Reduce the Minimum Price of Gas (MPOG) for the Archway Network from 900 Gway to 140 Gway

While I agree that lowering the gas fee will have consequences for a lot of interested parties, let’s just get one thing straight that is very important.

The high MPoG IS an impediment to mass adoption, period. Doesn’t matter how you try to justify that, if you want Archway to have a viable DEX of any sort, gas fees have to come down. Arb traders won’t touch this ecosystem without compromise from the devs and Network, overall. Otherwise, other networks will take market share.

Yes, this is also a call to any of the Archway devs who don’t want to cater to users at all, remember, Astrovault has brought tremendous attention to Archway Network. It IS the featured app and it DOES deserve special consideration.

Energy is very real, and without energy and enthusiastic users, Archway will be stunted indefinitely.

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