Spend Proposal: Archway's Marketing DAO Budget Request

Type: Spend Proposal
Title: Continuing supporting Marketing DAO’s efforts for the next 4 months


Archway Marketing DAO has been around for more than 9 months, from it’s initial creation in 2023, August. The previous Spend Proposal [HERE] was about giving a try-out for the Marketing DAO while giving support from the community to dApp teams and Archway itself for marketing activities, awareness, building active user-base and as well as forming a strong team that can contribute with content ideas, graphic design, copywriting, videos, and more.

To review our past 9 months, here is a summary presentation in text format:

Presentation: Arch MKT DAO PD.pdf - Google Drive

Archway Marketing DAO - 9 Months Review

The first step: Creation

Following the initial discussion of forming a DAO, it was established that its ethos will concentrate around:

  1. Develop comprehensive marketing strategies to enhance the visibility and attractiveness of Archway and its ecosystem.
  2. Foster a vibrant and participative community to drive collaboration and support within the Archway ecosystem.
  3. Prove that DAOs can be valuable even with limited resources.
  4. Provide tailored assistance to new and existing developers on Archway, aiding them in effectively marketing their decentralized applications.
  5. Empower contributors to think outside the box for marketing content creation.

Who are the people in the Marketing DAO

  • Graphic designers - 7
  • Video creators - 4
  • Copywriters - 14
  • Analysts - 3
  • Phi Labs - 3

Total: 28 active contributors

Social Metrics

Telegram: @archwaymarketingdao / 96 members

Twitter: @ArchwayDAO 12.4k Followers

Solcial.io: 300+ readers and more than 10k visualizations.

Contributions Since Inception


645 total tasks have been proposed so far, on average, 3 tasks per day of the 270-day period of running the Marketing DAO.


266 of the total tasks were approved and completed, which is a 41.2% success rate.


31 tasks are, as of now, in progress or final review status.

Case Studies
Ecosystem Campaigns
Archway’s network and dApp exposure on TaskOn and QuestN with 4668 participants.

Astrovault / Outbid
Two-phase marketing campaign.
Pre-launch campaign consisted of various types of content on Twitter, as well as Outbid tutorials and videos.
Launch day marketing and post-launch support.


Created, curated and made short videos about the ArchiesNFT collection, their value proposal, participation in activities, as well as promoting the sale.

Network Wars
We made a series of posts, reposts and engagement interactions with users that started on April 16th when the Network Wars game was announced by ArchID.

We also created a promotional video which achieved +1500 impressions and a fair amount of engagement.

Budget Overview

Total budget requested $40k / 480,000 ARCH (2023, August)



Budget Renewal Ask

  • 4 months period, $80k at the price of the on-chain proposal.

  • The budget can be used for longer period, as proven by the DAO.

  • The proposed cap for a monthly payout: $20k.

  • Since there are upcoming unlocks during July 2024, the price can be negatively affected, also putting a risk on the Marketing DAO.

Objectives for the Next 4 Months


+2 million users active on several web3 ecosystems.


Develop more synergies within the Cosmos Ecosystem.


Xion’s abstraction approach might help the Archway ecosystem expand to a wider audience.


Regular engagement on Reddit focused on developing an active community


Establish Core DAO members who will focus on curating the content.


Invite Phi Labs participation and involvement in the narrative push.


Host a bi-weekly call covering ecosystem updates.



Archway Marketing DAO has truly helped us propel Nomos forward in all matters related to business development.

They support us and bring new users to learn about Nomos, sometimes even without notifying us because they are so connected to the projects on Archway.

I truly appreciate their hard work!

Ohad Bachner, CEO Chelo Labs (Nomos)

Archies NFTs

The Marketing DAO excels in producing lightweight videos for social media.

Their goal goes beyond crafting visually appealing content; they focus on embedding effective communication, both technically and inspirationally.

Additionally, they actively support and enhance the broader Archway Ecosystem. I love having them and their work around.

CryptoRicky, Creative Director Archies NFTs


Marketing DAO has consistently gone above and beyond when creating content for ArchID, including participating in our Discord discussions and messaging us directly when clarification was needed.

This was particularly evident during Network Wars, when events progressed at a rapid rate and Marketing DAO was able to stay up to date with the rapid pace of gameplay whereas other groups struggled.

Drew, ArchID

Evia Network

The Marketing DAO provided exceptional support for our EVIA PowerPlay campaign, delivering strategic marketing initiatives that boosted our visibility and engagement.

Their collaborative approach and help were crucial in achieving our campaign goals. We highly value their contributions and look forward to continued partnership.

Rocky, Head of BD Evia Network


The Marketing DAO’s communicative and listening skills enabled important branding adjustments and tweaks to content they created to showcase Astrovault.io and Outb.id

We wish all the very best for AMDAO, and hope it continues supporting Archway applications with growth, exposure, and messaging. This initiative is a win for the users, the application teams, creative people, the AMDAO, the Archway network, and more.

Bengee, Astrovault CTO

Liquid Finance

I think a grassroots initiative like the Archway Marketing DAO is a great way to get the community involved in the promotion of Archway and its ecosystem.

I would like to see the Marketing DAO continue to empower the Archway community by providing a central point of distribution in which they can creatively disseminate any information related to (or requested by) Archway projects.

TJ, Lydia Labs (Liquid Finance)

All files are located at: Marketing DAO - Google Drive

Budget Renewal request:

For the next 4 months, $80k at the price of the on-chain proposal.
The budget can be used for a longer period, as proven by the DAO.
The proposed cap for a monthly payout: $20k.


I think the Marketing DAO has been a VERY successful initiative by the Archway Ecosystem! Great job to you, Dan, Flynn, and the many contributors who have really stepped up here!

I’m very much in favor of the top up


Thank you for your support, Eric. This journey has been significant, and we are enthusiastic about continuing to push the ecosystem. Our goal is to assist all teams and dApps in effectively communicating their messages and showcasing their product.

We firmly believe in the tech behind Archway and its potential for greater achievements, and we remain committed to supporting its ongoing growth.


Marketing DAO is a proved version of how marketing efforts can be done in a decentralized way very successfully :slight_smile:

Great job guys!


Marketing DAO team is really strong and really doing great things. So many exciting engagement things are being done and also looking forward to have some content on OmniFlix.TV to grow the community organically.

I’m in support of the team and kudos to the efforts you guys are making.

  1. Develop comprehensive marketing strategies to enhance the visibility and attractiveness of Archway and its ecosystem. – I think the DAO has done a pretty good job with strategic planning, whether it be a time-sensitive campaign or promoting an upcoming launch of a new product or DApp. One thing I think that can be improved upon is bringing in more input from DApp teams and Phi Labs, seeking what they want, since this is for Archway.

  2. Foster a vibrant and participative community to drive collaboration and support within the Archway ecosystem. – It is apparent that certain DApp teams have larger communities behind them than others, but, the broader scope of this DAO (the whole Network’s ecosystem of DApps) offers a lot more opportunity for outreach, more open communication with upcoming developer teams (those working towards launch on Archway) and encouraging more engagement on the part of the DApp teams and from Phi Labs throughout these campaigns, seeing as the DApp teams, themselves, should know what is most important to communicate to the community.

  3. Prove that DAOs can be valuable even with limited resources. – Almost didn’t feel the need to comment on this one, since it’s pretty apparent, but, I do believe that the Archway Marketing DAO that has been formed, as of September of last year, has demonstrated the ability to generate interest and increased traffic to Archway Network-associated platforms. Being given an original budget of ~$40,000 worth of ARCH, and then stretching that budget across nearly 9 months, while offering space to nearly 30 active contributors says all that you need to know about the financial efficiency the DAO has achieved.

  4. Provide tailored assistance to new and existing developers on Archway, aiding them in effectively marketing their decentralized applications. – I think that this point really comes down to the DApp teams, themselves, because they have to be able to promote their product to users, which includes the DAO contributors. It appears that outside of a couple of DApps, the DAO really didn’t have as much open, friendly communication as we could benefit from. Knowing what’s being worked on actively can also give us insight into what sorts of content should be prioritized.

  5. Empower contributors to think outside the box for marketing content creation. – I think it is appropriate to say that the Archway DAO does not intentionally coerce conformity outside of our own ecosystem’s branding standards and requirements. Contributors are free to propose whatever work their imaginations might lead them to. It is, of course, up to the DAO’s core members to approve those ideas for the creator to proceed. We have seen some really high-quality videos, lots of Shorts, and a good assortment of written & infographic-centric content come from the DAO.

The fact that the Telegram Group contains just shy of 100 members, and 28 are active contributors, shows a (more accurate) participation rate of ~28% (from the Archway community interested in the DAO’s goings-on). I think that putting more energy into connecting with the different language-community Archway groups, like Archway Nigeria & Archway Philippines could yield some better awareness and increased attention as well. It is no secret that those two countries have gigantic, growing populations of young people who are internet- and smartphone-native from the time they’re small children. Being able to plant our flag in those two important markets could yield tremendous value that Archway is not currently taking advantage of.

Sad reality regarding Twitter following counts is that there is no way to truly determine what the size of the real human beings demographic is. While it is certainly nice that there are thousands of Twitter accounts that now follow the DAO’s account (after less than a year in operation), we definitely would benefit from more Spaces events and things of that nature that can attract natural, organic user growth from Twitter.

The 41.2% success rate of proposed → approved also is heavily-influenced by a large amount of spammed content ideas we encountered earlier this year, so, since then, there has been a higher incidence of approvals – this rate does not properly illustrate the more-recent reality of being a contributor.

I am in favor of this asking price, 4 months with $80k.


Would love to see Omniflix utilized more to help spread the Archway Marketing DAO content!


I am completely in support of sharing & promoting the Archway DAO content on Omniflix to expand our web3 footprint, and reach more potential new users. Having some sort of advertising network for content like this, would be very helpful


I think the marketing DAO is really helping put archway on the map! I would love to see the less known products of archway being promoted!


Hey everyone,

I want to take a moment to express my admiration for the Marketing DAO and the value it brings to the Archway network and the community as a whole. The time, effort, and resources dedicated to this DAO are deeply appreciated by myself and many others. It’s truly inspiring to see the Archway community empowered and given the autonomy to manage and contribute to such a core function of the protocol. As someone who has been part of various web3 communities, witnessing this level of commitment and collaboration is incredible to see.

With all that said, I would be remised if I didn’t express my concern with the current budget request that has been included in the initial signaling proposal.

As noted above, the current request is for the equivalent of $20k per month for the next four months to be paid in ARCH tokens ($80k total). Although some have stated that the requested rate is considered industry standard for a professional marketing service—I don’t believe the current results of the content and deliverables provided by the DAO justify a rate equivalent to that of a professional agency that specializes in marketing and design.

As I expressed on the X spaces held last week regarding the signaling proposal, I believe it is incredibly important that the request provides in-depth metrics and comparable data from past content and deliverables to showcase the DAOs effectiveness and to help support the budget request provided herein—including providing specific KPIs & benchmarks to be utilized in the future to allow the community to objectively measure the success of the DAO’s campaigns and deliverables. This should help the community better assess the effectiveness of the DAO and ultimately determine the value and amount of funding needed to achieve the DAOs ongoing objectives.

Once again, I want to reiterate my support for continued funding of the Marketing DAO. However, I can not personally support the current requested amount and believe it’s incredibility important to ensure that the community is well-informed and equipped with the necessary data to effectively assess the current impact of the DAO on the protocol’s growth before making the decision provide the full funding amount requested.


Please see the attached results of Twitter profile growth.
QuestN campaign: https://app.questn.com/quest/858478833274233008
TaskOn TaskOn

Marketing agencies will not be providing any KPIs, especially professional ones. They can only give only estimates but they have no responsibilities around numbers.

Agency services do not include any rewards or payments to KOLs, which comes at an extra cost. Campaign rewards and any type of incentive will be an extra cost. The DAO is spending the budget not only to reward the content creators but also to provide budgets for growth. The same for KOLs expense.

When it comes to KPIs: growing at least 20% of followers for the dApp ecosystem and DAO itself.
Activity metrics: reach 2 posts in different channels.


Following up on the $80k budget request, our expenses aren’t more than between $6k and $12k, depending on the campaigns we had. Also, we can’t just “randomly” create tasks that are not relative. All tasks are being reviewed before execution approval and it is done by the four-eye principle Anyone can raise questions on why this tasks was approved. Realistically, the $20k budget cap can’t be spent as per known factors and thus the runway will be longer than expected.


I like the idea of a marketing DAO but current one has problems. I joined and did work but no one looked, no reply

Almost all of the first funding went to only 2 people in the DAO. They should share the budget payments here so all can see. Plus those who got all the money sold the $ARCH quickly, which hurts the $ARCH price.

$20,000 every month is wooow! If you see, each tweet only gets 10-15 likes and few hundred views. Yes, good to have more content but not really making big effects, and for $20,000 every month we can do so much.

I want join a marketing DAO but want a new way. More results that matter and the $ARCH should go to more than just 2 people who sell it.

((name safe for fear of revenge :imp: ))

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I’m afraid many would argue with what you’re mentioning. As a very compromised DAO member myself, I can confirm from first hand that high quality contributors have been empowered and incentivized to keep delivering content that promotes what is happening on Archway.

How much a contributor receives is proportional to the contributor’s work which is absolutely fair, if a creator delivers consistent quality content then it will be rewarded accordingly, there’s no favoritism and as a DAO every single member has a voice, if there’s something specific to be discussed, a weekly call is hosted in which every single member can speak up and share their thoughts, if an improvement can be done to our general procedures it will be very well received as it has happened several times.

There’s much more within the DAO’s operations than just the likes count per tweet, although once again I would argue with your comment taking into account the DAO’s performance record since its inception as highlighted by @MrFreeman in his comment above.

If you really were part of the DAO then you should know that every payout is public and accessible to its members which makes me wonder if you were really part of the DAO at any given point since we have never received a single claim about a “work not being looked or not replied”. Every single proposal & task is closely reviewed.

Lastly, just an advice, always speak up and don’t fear of any “revenge” or “retaliation”, DAO means community and every single criticism is highly valuable and is what makes us better, if you want the DAO to improve then engage in the meetings and share your thoughts on how to make things better instead of leaving a comment under complete anonymity. We’re under continuous improvement and valuable contributors are those who help us succeed.

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Hey :slight_smile: So the entire point of this governance forum is to DISCUSS. So, you should not fear for anything…Many of us use aliases and usernames online, it’s a pretty common practice, and allows for a lot more easy communication rather than playing the Anon tag game.

When did you join the Archway Marketing DAO? The trial budget we received has paid out nearly all of what we were given to spend. Budget payments are all public, everything is on the Google Drive, accessible to all with no restrictions. That is 100% transparent, and you should be careful as to whom you are accusing of something, because no payments were made to anyone without approval by the multi-sig wallet participants (of which I am one). While it might appear that the bulk of funding went to a few, you have to also look at the list of things that compensation was paid out for.

It wasn’t for nothing. You’re making a very blatant generalized accusation against two members of the Archway DAO. I don’t like that, because, we are not the people with the financial means to materially-impact the price of the ARCH token. You should look at how many ARCH tokens are getting divested next Wednesday. Your anger and frustration is misplaced here.

If an individual chooses to sell an asset, that is their choice, no one else has any right or privilege to tell them otherwise. If you don’t like the currency of compensation offered by the DAO, you do not have to accept it. We are only able to pay out in ARCH because that is the token of the Archway Network. If Phi Labs were giving us USDC, would your argument remain the same?

The $20,000 number is a hard cap, my friend. You misunderstood what was written in the proposal. We have ZERO intention or ability to pay out $20,000 in a month. That is the entire point of capping monthly compensation. Look at the roster of members and contributors to the DAO. There’s more than 20 people involved! Look at how much money the average Marketing Dept Lead in regular businesses gets paid.

The amount is approximately $85,000 per year. Phi Labs is paying LESS than that for TWENTY+ people. I think you are not understanding how this works…the budget is for everyone to have the ability to earn from…it is not a slush fund to hand out to friends or insiders…that’s corrupt. For you to suggest that is actually kind of offensive, considering how the advertising business works for blockchain, Twitter is the only viable platform to reach people.

Once again, you’re misunderstanding - we ARE NOT spending $20,000 a month. That was NEVER proposed. You have to read for context, we are saying we will NOT spend more than that, hence why this request is for 4 months, unlike the trial which was only supposed to be for 2 months. We far exceeded what was expected last year in terms of growth and expanding the reach of the Archway ecosystem.

If you’re so concerned about the tweets not reaching more people, did you make a personal effort to promote them and share them with everyone you knew? If not, you’re just complaining about something you don’t like because you weren’t paid the $40,000 budget we were given last year. I have made a CONSCIOUS effort to go out of my way to talk to people, especially people who are NOT on Archway, NOT involved with Phi, NOT involved with these entrenched static ecosystems.

This is not a zero-sum game, it is also still our responsibility to promote the work being done.

If you would like to join another Marketing DAO, go ahead and find one that is willing to let you participate and pay you, even though, as you said, “they have no reach and very few likes.”

Most other projects have no cohesive marketing effort whatsoever. None have marketing budgets.


Our proposal change of the funds being requested will be $50k for 3 months knowing about the concerns from @CryptoChem0000 and clearing out any doubts.

Let me know if you are aboard on this, thanks.


It is good to speak with in more specifics and hard data.

I looked at the 10 latest original tweets from the DAO account to understand real performance. Here is what I found:

Tweet Comments Retweets Likes Views
5 Jul 0 2 10 180
5 Jul 0 2 7 213
5 Jul 0 1 4 172
2 Jul 1 3 10 596
2 Jul 1 2 9 153
2 Jul 0 0 1 99
2 Jul 0 2 16 328
27 Jun 0 1 2 134
25 Jun 1 2 14 330
25 Jun 0 2 12 174
25 Jun 0 0 3 140
Avg 0.27 1.54 8 229

The last 10 tweets have an average of 8 likes and a few hundred views each.

Do we think this performance is good and that like a top agency?

I want to help make the marketing DAO successful and want to participate. But we need to be realistic about changing. It is not working as is now.

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If the pay outs are public can someone post document here?

Thank you for returning after leveling extremely misinformed allegations against the DAO. We have been waiting for 16 days for you to respond back, not like this proposal was time-sensitive or anything.

You need to actually look at what you write before you click send.

Look at those tweets again and tell me how many of them were the DAO making original content vs retweeting another account’s post.

You’re not making the argument you think you are.

First two on the list (oldest) are quote re-tweets from Houdini Swap & then Nomos. You tell me how many real people use Houdini Swap.

Third one is about Astrovault, it got a comment, and a lot more views.

4th one is re-tweeting an announcement about EthCC. Once again, most people do not engage with this content in general, and citing it as an example of tweets that were paid…you are mistaken. Only Twitter threads are being compensated for. If the main Archway DAO Twitter account re-tweets something, that is NOT paid. That is just basic due diligence to help share the information.

5th tweet is a quote-tweet, sharing the announcement celebrating ArchID’s 1st full year in action. Got the same level of engagement as the Astrovault tweet that was 100% original and not quoting anyone else.

Perhaps you are starting to notice a pattern…

6th Tweet was re-tweeting an announcement from the Archway Developer Hub. Do you know how many people on Twitter care about blockchain development at all? Very few. This is not an indictment of the Archway Marketing DAO that you are…pointing at. It’s Archway, as a whole. Your complaint is not aimed at the right parties.

We are merely producing content for the Archway Network and its DApps. I think you’re jumping to some very wild conclusions that aren’t backed up with actual evidence.

Moving on…

7th Tweet is a quote-tweet about Archies NFTs, one of the largest NFT collections on Archway. Most people do not use, engage, hold, or care about NFTs. To think that a quote-tweet about NFTs isn’t effective, misses the entire point of it. It’s only targeting people who actually care about NFTs. That number is nowhere near as large as you may have been led to believe by the NFT Summer Wash-Trading Extravaganza that took place on OpenSea and Rarible two summers ago.

Tweet #8 is about Calc.Fi. It is an original tweet and received over 600 views (as of now). Is that not…a lot of people to you? Do you conceptualize how small the real-person demographic is on Twitter? It’s way smaller than you think, once again. 600 views on a tweet is a LOT of views. Also, I would like to point out that Calculated Finance is a mature DApp, from Kujira that is also available on Osmosis. The fact that Calc.Fi is available to Archway Network users is a BIG DEAL. But I wouldn’t expect you to understand that, because you aren’t focused on any of the positives. You want to tear down the DAO for its efforts.

We are waiting on submitting the proposal because we WANTED answers from you. You kept us waiting more than two weeks, just to give a half-assed attempt at a “Gotcha Moment,” this is not helpful to the discussion.

I hate to disappoint you, but you aren’t achieving more. You’re tearing down the efforts of the DAO because you did not get your work approved or you’re angry about other people earning money for their efforts.

You are judging 9 months of activity by the DAO and its contributors solely off of Tweets, which you:

#1) Mis-categorized
#2) Didn’t appear to read or count through, and
#3) Missed the underlying message being passed by each of those tweets

Continuing on.

Tweet #9 is about a reminder for OGs who secured ArchIDs at origin, need to renew or risk losing their domains. Once again, you can see a drop-off in views and interest. This is not an indictment of ArchID as a concept - this is merely looking at Tweet statistics…which I hope you can start to see are not indicative of user adoption or expanding the size of the Archway Community.

Tweet #10 is about the Hack-a-Thon, which, once again, was not actually targeting the majority of CT. It’s targeted to attract attention of DEVELOPERS, which is the whole point of Archway Network, if you read their M.O.

Finally, I’d like to point out that the last tweet you selected for this exercise, the 11th, is about Prisma Exchange, which is a BRAND NEW Order Book-style DEX coming to Archway. You go ahead and make all the marketing and promotional materials for them, and see how far you get.

You are expecting immediate results that mimic Injective or Solana FOMO. That’s not how reality works. The marketing industry is full of wasteful spending. Our initial request was LESS than the salary of a SINGLE Marketing Lead. We are revising it to seem more palatable, but also understand we are asking for LESS than the average employee, who would only be responsible for a small amount of the work this DAO is producing.

Had you ever stopped to think why Archway Network has grown the way it has? It’s because it attracts developers, who may or may not actually build an application that attracts new users. This is a startup environment, you’re assuming Archway Network is a mature business with positive cashflow and multiple revenue streams to support all business expenses.

That’s not reality, and you need to take a second and realize that this is real money for real people doing real work. No one else is doing a Marketing DAO like Archway’s. It’s a new model, there have been issues, but we have also carried out several major reforms to address those issues. If we encounter other issues, we will address them as needed.

The Twitter statistics that you shared are not indicative of much. Most people doom-scrolling through Twitter on their mobile phones are passive consumers. They are NOT active, engaged, and enthusiastic people. 600 views on a single tweet in less than a week is a lot of views. I’m sorry that’s not up to your expectations, what arbitrary number would you prefer to see in that right column?

Go ask all the other L1s in the Cosmos what their Marketing DAOs are accomplishing.

Even better, ask them why they have no effective marketing to speak of.

I’d love to hear what your idea of a “top marketing agency” is. Have you read the market research we provided showing what the average and median salaries were in the industry for 2024?

If you want to participate, you have to go through the process of being accepted into the DAO. This process involves making an example of your work for a current, relevant DApp or event, and then the Core DAO contributors have to approve it and agree for it to be used, for you to become a regular contributor.

Please tell me how the DAO is not working as it is right now, other than the fact that our funding has been delayed for over a month now, and we are waiting to be paid for work that has already been delivered to Archway Network weeks ago.

All payouts are recorded in the Google Spreadsheet, as already explained numerous times. If you would like to look through it, it is all there, 100% transparent for everyone to see.

Please, next time you respond (hopefully within the next 48-72 hours and not 2 weeks from now) please present us with some evidence that supports your claims. All you’re doing is yelling at the empty sky. You have not presented an argument that actually justifies your claims, you’re lashing out at the DAO and the people who have worked really hard for months to grow Archway’s community and user-base.

There are no free lunches, and it appears to me that you are begging for one. Am I wrong?


Since you have also had ample time to go through all the records of the DAO, and haven’t, here is a direct link to the GDocs:


Please don’t make unfounded allegations against the DAO. We aim to actually get back to work this month, and not having funding is a problem that needs to be resolved asap.