[Funding Proposal] The Geccoverse - A TxArt Pilot Project exploring the intersection between Art and Technology from a story-first paradigm

Disclaimer: whenever we refer to ‘gecco’, we are specifically alluding to the concept of ‘digital gecko’. The term ‘gecco’ is stylized with two c’s, an influence from the creativity of the musical group 100 gecs (geccos in plural).

Table of Contents

  • Summary
  • Authors
  • Motivation
  • Abstract
    • Outline
    • Research Questions
    • Why Archway
    • KPIs
  • Roadmap
    • Phase I - The Geccoverse Prototype & Project Setup
    • Phase II - The Geccoverse v2 - Nurture Your Gec
    • Phase III - The Geccoverse v3 - Social Gecs
    • Phase IV - The Geccoverse v4 - The Gec Cooperative
    • Phase V - In-depth review and posit of a TxArt Thesis
  • Workflow and Planning
    • Team Organization
    • Project Planning
    • Reporting
  • Financial
  • Conclusion


The Geccoverse is a Tamagochi-style digital universe where users can birth and nurture a gecco, grow it, showcase it and interact with their fellow geccos about all things gecco-related.

The focus is on creating a digital fan experience for the music band 100 gecs, an internet-native hyperpop band, but the game is open for everyone.

We leverage Archway to provide NFT DAO tech and focus on ease of onboarding through research into account abstraction paired with the Unity game engine.

Through the collection of internal and external feedback & metrics, practices are distilled into an incubator program framework and pitched to art institutions, developer schools and traditional investors with the intent of founding an economically sustainable incubator program.


The Geccoverse is the brainchild of digital creator Lot Peeters. She is joined by game designer Lars Peetermans, GraviDAO Founder Ilo, and Architec Founder Lumi.

This proposal, and the TxArt incubator program, will be coordinated by Ilo under the GraviDAO umbrella.

Lot PeetersPortfolio
Role: Visual Design & Storytelling
Lot is a visual design student at LUCA School of Arts in Ghent with an avid interest in storytelling and new technologies. They can be found making illustration, video, coding algorave, messing around in 3D and experimenting with all kinds of AI. As The Geccoverse originator, she will make sure The Geccoverse has a consistent story and design language.
:lizard:Fave Gec: Any gecco with a mischievous look.

Lars PeetermansPortfolio
Role: Game Design
Lars is a young multi-media designer with a knack for games, in particular integrating the various back-end and design elements into game engines. As a forward-looking game developer, he will make sure the Gecs have a good time in their new digital biome.
:lizard:Fave gecco: Any Gec wearing a hat.

Ilo MeezeGraviDAO
Role: Project Management
Ilo has been leading the GraviDAO collective since 2021, bringing community tooling to over 17k users and acquiring 500k+ in grants. Prior to this, he was a music teacher for over 10 years and can be found playing jazz gigs and taking pictures on film. As an experienced manager with a background in the arts, he will make sure the gecco crew delivers a cohesive product to bootstrap the TxArt incubator.
:lizard:Fave gecco: Yellow Headed Day Gecko.

Luke LumiArchitech

Role: Smart Contract Development
Luke, as the Architech co-founder, has a background in robotics engineering and a knack for smart contracts. As an experienced engineer, he will make sure The Geccoverse’s on-chain contracts are well taken care of.
:lizard:Fave gecco: Gold Dust Day Gecko.


This project is rooted in filling the need for bridge-building between the fields of art and technology. A more detailed motivation can be found in The Geccoverse - Signalling Proposal.



The Geccoverse is a Tamagochi-style digital universe where users can birth and nurture a gecco, grow it, showcase it and interact with their fellow geccos about all things gecco-related. The focus is on creating a digital fan experience for the music band 100 gecs, an internet-native hyperpop band, but the game is open for everyone. An animated prototype can be viewed here.

The state of the game is stored on a distributed ledger and owned by the cooperative of geccos using DAO technology. Geccos can choose to donate to the cooperative using a DAO crowdfunding mechanism, and the coop can use those proceeds to host events, donate to nature preservation, or expand the game.

The game design’s focus is on fun and easy onboarding, it aims to abstract away as many technical hurdles and jargon as possible, providing a super intuitive wallet-less onboarding process through in-game account abstraction.

The game acts as a pilot-project for an incubator program on the cutting edge of art and technology. Serving as a proof-of-concept, it includes the creation and validation of a program thesis with the goal of creating a sustainable incubator model aligning with stakeholders from the fields of art education, tech start-ups, and traditional investment.

More about the band 100 gecs: https://www.100gecs.com/
*Disclaimer: Lot and Lars are unaffiliated fans of the band.

Geccoverse Research Questions

  • How can The Geccoverse leverage digital technologies to provide a fun and memorable experience, improving community sentiment?
  • How can The Geccoverse onboard new users to a community-centered blockchain environment, without introducing technical hurdles and alleviating common misconceptions?
  • How can The Geccoverse leverage intelligent game design to retain active users, fostering organic growth for its DAO cooperative?
  • How can The Geccoverse find a balance between off-chain and on-chain to maximize user retention?
  • How can The Geccoverse leverage decentralized cloud technologies to allow full cooperative DAO ownership of the game’s assets and hosting?

TxArt Incubator Research Questions

  • How can TxArt improve the mutual understanding of sector-specific languages within an interdisciplinary context between developers and artists?
  • How can TxArt prepare participants for a career path on the intersection between Art and Technology?
  • How can TxArt provide a platform for young artists and developers to meet each other and collaborate on tomorrow’s experiences?
  • How can TxArt distill best practices to improve the communication and relation-building between artists and developers?
  • How can TxArt collaborate with stakeholders from the contemporary art fields and foster cross-border innovation under an institutional umbrella?
  • How can TxArt attract external institutional funding to finance its incubator programs?

Why Archway

We believe the fee-distribution model of Archway and the focus on supporting builders and infrastructure is a good fit for this project. Archway is a burgeoning chain well positioned to capture high market share in the Cosmos ecosystem, and the Geccoverse can benefit from being a first mover on Archway. Additionally, Archway has a strong Foundation and team in Phi-Labs, with better support than most other Cosmos chains.

In turn, our value proposition for Archway is as follows:

Adoption: The Geccoverse, as a digital experience tailored towards non-web3-natives, can significantly increase the exposure to and adoption by new users who are otherwise unfamiliar with or biased against blockchain technology.
Technical: Development of The Geccoverse using the Unity game engine will build and share open-source expertise which future developers building on Archway can leverage for their own product development.
Community: The Geccoverse will provide an exciting new project for existing Archway community members to engage with and build relationships around, which can serve to attract more attention from the Cosmos ecosystem at large.
Network: Active users of The Geccoverse will increase Archway’s network usage and provide valuable use cases for the network, which can serve to attract new developers and investors.
Institutional: The formation of the TxArt incubator program and subsequent collaborations with art and dev schools can provide inflows of institutional interest for Archway, increasing long-tail exposure and adoption.

KPIs of The Geccoverse

  • Amount of geccos created (onboarding)
  • Amount of daily interactions (engagement)
  • Amount of surviving geccos after 3 months (retention)
  • Gecco DAO Treasury TVL (investment)


Phase I - The Geccoverse Prototype & Project Setup

In this phase,

  1. We compile and host Lot’s initial animated prototype v1 on web. This will provide a first experience for interested 100 gecs fans and Archway community members and bootstrap The Geccoverse userbase.

  2. We open social channels to establish report with our user base and gather feedback.

  3. We perform an in-depth exploration of the game parameters, documenting requirements and defining goals. We use industry-standard frameworks to create detailed guidelines for the development lifecycle and establish reporting methods for the Archway community.This phase should prepare the following phases for maximum efficiency.

Area of focus: user onboarding (amount of gecs created)
Estimated time: 2 sprints (4 weeks)

Phase II - The Geccoverse v2 - Nurture Your Gec

In this phase,

  1. We expand the animated prototype with tamagotchi elements, allowing players to grow and nurture their Gec or risk losing it to depression, disease and death. We take inspiration from nature and integrate actions such as: Hunt, Sleep, Hibernate, Sunbathe, Shed Tail, etc.

  2. We research modes of interaction to increase user engagement.

  3. We research porting the game to mobile to increase engagement.

Area of focus: user engagement (amount of daily interactions)
Estimated Time: 4 sprints (8 weeks)

Phase III - The Geccoverse v3 - Social Gecs

In this phase,

  1. We expand the game with social interactions, allowing the players to engage with each other in a language-agnostic fashion. These include actions such as: Make Friend, Playdate, Lick Eyes, Steal, Gift, Sing, Reproduce, etc.

  2. We create Discord integrations for The Geccoverse to align with the 100gecs Discord user base, leveraging GraviDAOs experience with Discord Tools.

  3. We research modes of interaction which increase user retention.

Area of focus: user retention (amount of surviving gecs)

Estimated Time: 3 sprints (6 weeks)

Phase IV - The Geccoverse v4 - The Gec Cooperative

In this phase we research how we can introduce Smart Contracts and leverage DAO technology to create a distributed cooperative of Gecs, with the intention of:

  1. Bringing a DAO Crowdfunding mechanism to the game, for example using the Nouns DAO framework.

  2. Decentralizing the hosting of the game as much as possible, using cloud hosting solutions such as Akash, Jackal, etc.

  3. Keeping the onboarding of the game as smooth as possible, using account abstraction methods and focussing on vanity perks for DAO members.

  4. Providing pathways for future expansion of the game.

Area of focus: community treasury (DAO TVL)
Estimated Time: 4 sprints (8 weeks)

Phase V - In-depth review and posit of a TxArt Thesis

In this phase, we compile project data and research findings to perform an in-depth review of the Pilot Project. We distill best practices and posit a thesis for the TxArt Incubator Program with the intention of onboarding dev schools and art institutions as well as preparing for external funding through traditional investments, cross-border grant programs and art donor programs.

Note: Work on the TxArt Thesis will flow concurrently with the pilot project and will be included in the reporting as part of the research category. Phase V marks the conclusion of this research.

Estimated Time: 1 sprint (2 weeks)
Total Time: 14 sprints (28 weeks or approx. 6 months and 2 weeks)

Workflow and Planning

Team organization

The team will be organized as Participants, Facilitators and Advisors.

  • Participants - Lot & Lars
  • Facilitator - Ilo
  • Advisor - Luke

Note: Since Luke is the team member with extensive cosmwasm experience, he will take on the role of participant during the on-chain integration process, together with other Trivium members where necessary.

The team members will be grouped in ‘squads’ by function.

  • Design Squad - Lot & Lars
  • Coding Squad - Lars & Lumi
  • Community Squad - Lot & Ilo

The expected time commitment for each team member is as follows:

  • Lot - 5-10 hours weekly - Design & Storytelling
  • Lars - 20-25 hours weekly - Game Design & Integration
  • Ilo - 25-35 hours weekly - Management & Incubator Research
  • Luke + Trivium - flexible - Smart Contracts & Technical Support

Project Planning

The Participants for each roadmap phase will be responsible for its planning, which will be reviewed and monitored by the Facilitator.

Work will be organized in 2-week sprints. At the start of each roadmap phase, the team will conduct a research & planning intensive. The outcome of this will comprise a full planning of the upcoming roadmap phase and be shared publicly with the Archway community. Example.


Every 2-week sprint, a concise written report will be published on the Archway community forums detailing what was achieved, including a breakdown of spent resources and time put in, and what is planned for the next sprint.

Upon conclusion of every Roadmap Phase, a long-form report for a wider audience will be published detailing what was achieved and what is planned next. Concurrently, an internal research report will be published on the Archway community forums with key takeaways in function of the TxArt incubator program.

All work related to The Geccoverse will be made publicly available and source code will be published open-source under an MIT license. Any research relevant to future Archway developers will be documented on Github.


We would like to request a grant covering a 6-month period.
To mitigate sell pressure on ARCH, we propose the following:

  • A dual incentive structure, with bi-weekly cash reimbursements for time put in + a 2-year linear vested ARCH token bonus upon successful completion of a Roadmap Phase.
  • An OTC swap with the Archway Foundation to cover the cash reimbursements.

We would like to request the Community Spend DAO as custodians of the grant, tasked with:

  1. Distributing cash reimbursements upon delivery and review of every bi-weekly sprint reports.
  2. Distributing the ARCH bonus upon delivery and review of every Roadmap Phase completion report.

Reimbursement Proposal

For the Participants, we propose the following:

  • CASH: Time put in at market rate
    • Lot at $16/hour (student)
    • Lars at $30/hour (junior dev)
  • TOKEN: Bonus after phase I-IV: 4x $1200USD in vested ARCH ($4800 total)

For the Facilitator and Advisor, we propose the following:

  • CASH: Time put in at market rate with 40% cash replacement
    • Ilo at $36/hour (senior management at $60/h basis)
    • Luke/Trivium at $48/hour (senior dev at $80/h basis)
  • TOKEN: Bonus after phase I-V: 40%USD in vested ARCH cash replacement

Time spent will be individually tracked on a public spreadsheet and reported at the end of every sprint - to be reviewed by the CS DAO. Should there be any dispute, we request the Archway Foundation to be the arbiter.

Finally, we would like to request a donation of $2000 USD to help cover recurring costs on behalf of GraviDAO (software packages + yearly accounting fees).


In total, we estimate a sum of $58,520.00 USD Cash and $28,480 USD ARCH for a total of $87,000.00 USD


  • $2,000 - GraviDAO Donation - USD
  • $21,000 - Participants Cash Reimbursement - USD
  • $4,800 - Participants Bonus - Vested ARCH
  • $25,920 - Facilitator Cash Reimbursement (30h/week) - USD
  • $17,280 - Facilitator Bonus - Vested ARCH
  • $9,600 - Advisor Cash Reimbursement (200h total) - USD
  • $6,400 - Advisor Bonus - Vested ARCH

We would like to request $100,000 USD in ARCH be deposited on the CS DAO multi-sig out of which $60,000 USD swapped OTC with Archway Foundation for USDC. Any unused funds should be returned to the community pool.


The Geccoverse, a TxArt pilot project, intertwines art and technology through a Tamagotchi-style digital universe where users nurture digital geccos, inspired by the hyperpop band 100 gecs.

Led by digital creator Lot, game designer Lars, GraviDAO Founder Ilo and Architech Founder Lumi, the project leverages Archway’s NFT and DAO technology paired with the Unity game engine for a user-friendly experience.

The initiative, coordinated by Ilo under GraviDAO, aims to create a sustainable cross-border incubator program at the intersection of art and technology, with the intention of supporting early prototype development to enabling sustainable digital collectives through DAO technology.

Seeking a grant of $100,000 USD, the team plans to use the funds for a six-month period, supporting research & development, growing the Archway user base, and fostering collaboration between stakeholders of the Archway community.


Like the idea, love anything Lumi is a part of, and personally believe that Archway needs to start funding more things in order to get more stuff to do.

If the Foundation is on board with something like this, so am I. To my knowledge we can’t exactly vote ourselves into the Foundation’s wallet, but I’ll let them speak to that.

A couple questions on financials, is this intended to become self-sustaining? Will the sale of Geccos offset the costs or be reimbursed to the community pool or foundation somehow? Is this meant to grow into a platform that hosts more types of TxArt in the future?

I like the idea of course, but if it’s $100k to support 6 months of building something cool that’s just a 1-time thing that’s probably not the best ROI unless it DOES become an entire platform imo, so just want to better understand the long-term financial goals and vision of Geccs.

Do you guys have significant existing connections to art institutions and reasons for thinking you’ll land the partnerships? The #1 thing I want from Archway marketing is to make an impact on college campuses and get first onboarding for students through Archway. If this can do that, then I’m a yes regardless of any sustainability questions just as a dope marketing spend tbh.

Thank you guys for taking the time to submit this, hope to see more develop from you guys, and look forward to getting a gecco <3


Very well out together Proposal! Solid team and a good asset to Archway! I am in favor of this!


Hey Eric!

Thanks for the solid feedback, appreciate it.

I will try to find out who to contact to get this verified.

The goal is two-pronged:

  1. For The Geccoverse, the project is planned to conclude with a crowdfunding mechanism in order to built a community-owned treasury to further advance the project. I can personally see a daily auction mechanism in the style of Nouns DAO work well, but the choice should be up to the participants and users.

  2. For the TxArt Incubator, the goal is to create a recurring incubator program for aspiring students in the blockchain and art fields. Funding in this case would come from a combination of sources including national and cross-border grants as well as tax-deductable private investments using a non-profit structure. I’ve been inquiring about these and have identified some possibilities, though more research is prudent and included in this grant proposal.

Yes, I already have some good connections with schools in Belgium, Estonia and Denmark: three European countries with exceptional talent and solid public funding.
Also, given the fact that students as well as schools are the biggest beneficiaries of these kinds of programs, it should not be difficult to have those connections blossom into partnerships.

My believe is that a successful pilot-project will provide all the leverage we need to attract funding for the incubator program and the biggest hurdle really is that first solid outcome.

Gecco Time! <3


Hey, gang!

Sorry for taking so long to provide feedback. I’ve been swamped and haven’t had much time to peruse the forum and usually stick to reading/posting items connected to the Liquidity Council. Luckily Chad ( @Runningcut ) pointed this out the other day and I finally made some time to circle back.

Visually, I like the concept a lot. I watched the full 6 minute video to get an idea of what you are trying to achieve, and it looks really cool. I had wondered about the music itself. Is this stuff you/the team is creating? Royalty free music you’re just downloading and using? Because whatever I heard in the video did not sound anything like the band whose page I landed on and watched a video :sweat_smile:

Either way, it seems like a good idea and spend provided it draws in new users to the Archway ecosystem. I know that Miggy and I have briefly chatted about doing a weekly Space on X to showcase new teams/projects looking to build on Archway, so once we get that off the ground perhaps you could come on one day and tell us more about The Geccoverse.

Keep up the great work, gang!



1 Like

Hey Phunky!

Believe it or not, the music is the real deal. These are the two songs you can hear in the video:

Their music is quite diverse and weird - hence why one song can sound completely different from another. ; )

Always down to join a spaces.
I’ll be on the gov call tomorrow as well as on a spaces with Gelotto validator on Friday!



Following the creation of a proposal on testnet, we are ready to publish this proposal on-chain.

We request 1.25M $ARCH to be distributed to a 3/5 multi-sig with the following members:

  • Max - Phi-Labs
  • Mike - Archway Foundation
  • Phunky - LuckyFriday
  • Eric - Astrovault
  • Ilo - GraviDAO

For convenience, this will be called the GECCO SIG.


The ARCH tokens will be distributed on a bi-weekly schedule according to the team’s performance and milestones outlined in the proposal.

  • Every two weeks, the Gecco team will submit a progress report detailing what was achieved, including a breakdown of the time spend on specific tasks.
  • The report will state a USD amount to be released by the GECCO SIG.
  • Upon delivery of a bi-weekly report to the GECCO SIG members, a transfer request will be created with the amount in USD converted to $ARCH
  • The conversion will take the previous day’s median price as reported on Coingecko and add +5% to accomodate any slippage fees and price discrepancies between the time of request and the time of execution. (There is a 5-day voting window for the multi-sig)

Remaining ARCH will be send back to the community treasury upon completion of the roadmap.


As outlined in the proposal, our expected cost is $87.000,00 USD, out of which $58,520.00 USD would be converted to USD bi-weekly over the course of 6 months.

Given the sudden rise in ARCH price, as well as the GECCO SIG retaining control over the funds anyways, we thought it prudent to base the requested ARCH amount on a price level with good historic support and create a buffer rather than having to deal with a budget deficiency later on.

We took $0.08 USD as the price level with the best historic support.

  • $100.000,00 USD / $0.08 USD = $1.250.000,00 ARCH

Unused ARCH will be send back to the community treasury upon completion of the roadmap.

Closing Thoughts

This proposal has been live on the forums for 3 weeks.
We will make ourselves available on the Governance AMA for any questions and look forward to working with the Archway DAO!


I like the detailed description of the financial nuances and the overall extensive announcement describing the group and gecco

Personally, I’m not a fan of this kind of music, but I see from YouTube that many people like it and in fact we can attract additional people to the blockchain. So I think that a new large audience can learn about blockchain and Archway in particular, if everything goes well. I think that if your launch is successful, you should think about an additional program to introduce your audience to blockchain. In theory, this can be done through gameplay.

I am an Archway validator and as a validator I support this proposal. I believe that real projects that will be deployed on our blockchain will be beneficial in the future. Of course, the fund needs to check everything carefully and, most importantly, set up full transparency in order to accurately track financial costs. Transparency is very important.