Validator Profile

Hey everyone, I’m Michael from Stakewithus. We are a secure staking provider based in Singapore.

We have been running nodes across the Cosmos and Ethereum ecosystem since early 2019 across >20+ protocols, and also run software for indexers (subgraphs), bridges (connext bridge) and relayers (for IBC). We also provision whitelabel services for institutions/funds. Our validation architecture utilizes a mix of physical (baremetal) and cloud based nodes, geographically split between US, EU and SG. Our physical servers run in 2x Tier 3 datacenters in Singapore. We are a lean team of 9 people, and our infra lead has >20+ years in cloud infrastructure/devops - we have 1 other full time dev ops engineer and the remaining of our dev team can also hop on for node infrastructure work if required.

While we have no formal voting framework, we go through all proposals internally and vote it in the best interest of the ecosystem - we also have skin in the game as we typically also invest in networks that we provide staking support for.

We also run a non-custodial yield aggregator called Unagii that allows users to connect their web3 wallet, and earn yield (and vote on governance issues) on selected crypto assets via our vaults and staking products. We are also the only staking infrastructure provider in the world to be backed by a governmental fund (SGinnovate). Cosmos Singapore is our community meetup group - we try to host 1 event every quarter and you can see our past events here: Cosmos Singapore (Singapore, Singapore) | Meetup

Last but not least, we also provide public goods for the tendermint ecosystem: public-goods/ at main · stakewithus/public-goods · GitHub

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