Founders Vision Proposal

@ilo, the intent behind the proposal is to adhere to the founders vision of meeting the Nakamo coefficient for Archway. In his one and only appearance on the Archway Governance Forum he voiced concern against the consolidation of power. As a community should we should coalesce around this idea. Therefore this proposal meets his intent and directly addresses the elephant in the room. Two entities have approximately 2/3 voting power. One entity being Phi-Labs and the other being the Archway Foundation . The Archway Foundation righteously committed to abstaining from governance votes, taking his commitment on chain will help make it official. In addition specifying an abstain vote helps to affirm against bias. On the other hand, Input and thoughts from Phi-labs would be great however, if they choose to abstain from discussion we should move forward with the founder’s intent of achieving as close to the Nakamoto coefficient as possible.